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Nexeya Canada

Market Monday - Bulk Wire

Bulk wire requires specialized verification and validation experience. With over 30 years of experience in the field Nexeya is a leader in the field.

There are a number of challenges in testing bulk wire applications, including;

The length of the spool - long spools, in excess of 30,000 feet, combined with the gauge of the wire, creates challenges with the power required to properly verify and validate the production process. Nexeya offers custom designed power supplies, specific, to this need, which provides application specific performance.

Long setup times and labour intense wire preparation - the size of the cable spools, the weight of the wire, the number of individual wires in cable all make set up times a challenge. Nexeya offers our custom designed fan our fixtures which enables us to test up to 150 individual wire in one test cycle.

Finiding Defects - defects in long wires means that cables must be cut to lenth to elimnate faults, identifying the location of the fault is critical. Nexeya offers fault location which optimizes the process saving time and money.

Fore more information on the challenges to testing bulk wire and Nexeya overcomes them please contact us at

Download our Bulk Wire Brochure here.

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