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  • Nexeya Canada

Finding the smallest defects is critical to protecting lives & assets

Helicopters vibrate. Vibrations are a root cause of mechancial and electrical 'wear & tear' and ultimately for component failures.

The following photo illustrates chaffing on an electrical cable on an NH-90 helicopter. A failure that is typcially not detectable until intermittent failures, or a permanent fault, force downtime and time consuming trouble shooting.

With our WIDD (Wiring Intermittent Defect Detection) product offering this fault can be detected before any potential negative impact on life or assets. The technology is not only used to detect faults it is an ideal tool for life cycle planning and health monitoring.

The WIDD is an exceptionally easy tool to use. Simply connect the harness to the WIDD and run the test plan. The output will automatically pin point any faults.

Here you can see the fault is at 60 meters.

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